From May to September, whale sharks congregate in the nutrient-rich blue waters off the coast of Isla Mujeres, Mexico.  In 2009, the Mexican government designated the Whale Shark Biosphere Reserve (Reserva de la Biosfera Tiburón Ballena) to help protect this important feeding area for whale sharks.

Whale sharks are the largest fish in the world and the waters off the coast of Isla Mujeres are perfect for spotting, and snorkeling with, these gentle giants in their natural environment.  Dates between mid-July to mid-August provide the greatest opportunity to see large congregations of sharks.  On one day in August of 2010, there was a report of over 400 sharks in the area and groups of 40-50 sharks are common.  Here’s a short video shot in July 2011 to give you a sense of what you’ll see.  [youtube=]

Join Colorado Ocean Coalition and Reefs to Rockies for this one-of-a-kind ocean adventure.  Vicki Nichols Goldstein, COCO founder, and Sheridan Samano, R2R co-founder, will be joining the group.  A portion of trip proceeds will be donated to support Colorado Ocean Coalition and whale shark conservation efforts.

For more information and a detailed itinerary, visit or call 303.860.6045.

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