Earlier this year, after years of delays, Kenya’s Environment and Natural Resources mandated a countrywide ban on single-use plastic bags in efforts to protect the environment. They have joined over 40 countries to in the growing effort to solve this world-wide epidemic. The rampant piles of plastic bag waste in Kenya have sparked concern for public health and plastic contamination in beef, where grazing animals commonly graze on plastic litter.

Even when disposed of properly, plastic bags decompose at a slow rate, generating large amounts of trash, polluting the environment, obstructing waterways and sewers, eventually ending up in the world’s oceans, impacting marine wildlife and their respective habitats. The World Wide Fund has estimated over 100,000 marine animals including whales and sea turtles die yearly as a result of eating or being trapped by plastic bags.

This news comes at a time when country leaders are becoming more aware of the costs of cleanup efforts, health issues, and unpleasant aesthetics related to the impacts that plastics leave behind.

How can you help?

  • Educate yourself on the dangers of plastics.
  • Bring reusable bags while shopping for groceries and on trips.
  • Write your local representatives to voice your support for a bag ordinance.
  • Connect with organizations and businesses helping to promote single use plastics bans.

Reefs to Rockies is committed to reducing single use plastics during all trips.

Author: developer

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