This month, R2R Consultant Wes Perry traveled to Colombia as a delegate for the 2018 Nature Travel Mart hosted by ProColombia, the Colombia Tourism Board.  In addition to meetings with in-country partners, Wes explored the Colombian Plains to learn about Los Llanos Orientales as well Bogota, Iguaque Natural National Park, and Raquira.

Five Things You May Not Have Known About Colombia

  1. Colombia is #2 in the world for biodiversity. Only trumped by Brazil, a country 10 times its size, Colombia hosts 14% of the world’s plant life and more than 54,000 species of animals.
  2. Colombia is the only South American country that has coastlines on both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. Beach lovers have about 300 to choose from in Colombia. There’s a festival almost every day of the year in Colombia. From salsa festivals to religious festivals to a crazy donkey festival, you’re sure to find a reason to celebrate while there.
  3. Colombia has been named the happiest country on the planet more than once in the last decade. Colombians are also known for their friendliness and hospitality. We’ve seen this firsthand and it certainly adds to Colombia’s charm.
  4. Colombia is the “birdiest” place on the planet. More than 1700 species of birds – from chlorophonias to cocks-of-the-rock and currasows – Colombia’s avifauna is sure to delight birders and non-birders alike.

Colombia: Wild Magic is currently available on Netflix. The 1hr 35 min documentary showcases Colombia’s biodiversity, stunning landscapes, and abundant wildlife.

If you’d like to know more about regions, wildlife viewing seasons, gastronomy, adventure travel, lodging, and more, contact us. We’re happy to set up a call or webinar to share our insights about travel to Colombia.

Author: developer

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