Located at the southeastern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula, Belize is the only English-speaking country in Central America.  Unlike countries nearby (Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras), Belize lacks a history of Spanish conquest and high population densities.  About a third of Belize lies in national parks and nature reserves and there are less than 40 people per square mile.  Compare that to almost 900 people per square mile in El Salvador.

These statistics make Belize an ideal destination for nature lovers, including birders.  Close to 600 species of birds have been recorded in Belize.  We recently spent six days visiting a variety of lodges in Belize and we birded as much as possible during our packed daily schedules.  Below are species checklists Caves Branch Jungle Lodge near the capital city of Belmopan and Chaa Creek set along the Macal River in the foothills of the Maya Mountains.


Caves Branch – Dec 7, 2014

Black-crowned night-heron

Yellow-crowned night-heron

Little blue heron

Snowy egret

Turkey vulture

Black vulture

King vulture

Bat falcon

Spotted sandpiper

Short-billed pigeon

Ruddy ground-dove

Squirrel cuckoo

Long-billed hermit

Purple-crowned fairy

Rufous-tailed hummingbird

Rufous-tailed jacamar

Black-cheeked woodpecker

Lineated woodpecker (heard)

Wedge-billed woodcreeper

Barred antshrike

Great antshrike (heard)

Black phoebe

Vermilion flycatcher

Tropical pewee

Dusky-capped flycatcher

Tropical kingbird

Social flycatcher

Great kiskadee

Boat-billed flycatcher

White-collared manakin

Yellow-green vireo

Gray catbird

Spot-breasted wren

White-breasted wood-wren

Wood thrush

Clay-colored robin

Chestnut-sided warbler

Black-throated green warbler

Magnolia warbler

Wilson’s warbler

Hooded warbler

Kentucky warbler

Black-and-white warbler

American redstart

Red-throated ant-tanager

Crimson-collared tanager

Yellow-throated euphonia

Variable seedeater

White-collared seedeater

Orange-billed sparrow

Black-headed saltator

Buff-throated saltator

Green-backed sparrow

Melodious blackbird

Yellow-billed cacique

Black-cowled oriole

Chaa Creek – Dec 11, 2014

Magnificent frigatebird

White-crowned parrot

Violaceous trogon

Black-headed trogon

Collared aracari

Golden-olive woodpecker

Golden-fronted woodpecker

Olivaceous woodcreeper

Great kiskadee

Brown jay

Clay-colored robin

Yellow-winged tanager

Summer tanager

Black-headed saltator

Green-backed sparrow

Great-tailed grackle

Melodious blackbird

Yellow-tailed oriole

We would like to thank Exito Travel, Delta Airlines, Tropic Air, Ian Anderson’s Caves Branch Jungle Lodge, and Chaa Creek Lodge for hosting us on this recent scouting trip to Belize.

Author: developer

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