Over the last few years, we’ve seen a notable increase in the number of clients traveling in a small group of six or more individuals. Often times these groups include families that span three to four generations. Grandparents are taking their children, grandchildren and maybe even great-grandchildren on vacation with them. In addition to multi-generational family travel, we often work with groups of friends planning a getaway.

When planning these trips, there are certain considerations that must be accounted for to ensure a quality experience for everyone. It’s important to consider personalities, ages, past travel experiences, interests, attention spans, and any potential health issues within the group.

Questions to answer when you’re starting to plan the trip:

• When, where, and for how long?
• What’s important?
• How do your fellow travelers deal with unpredictability?
• Are there age restrictions that need to be taken into consideration?
• Is the cost of the destination going to match the potential impact of the experience on everyone?
• Who will pay for what?

Here are a few more tips for keeping everyone happy while on vacation.

• Plan together and plan something for everyone.
• Pick a destination that works for everyone.
• Choose amenities with activities for all ages.
• Don’t over-schedule.

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