Puffins of Machias Seal Island

July 31, 2017

Machias Seal Island lies 10 miles offshore from Grand Manan Island in the Bay of Fundy. At low tide, Machias Seal is one mile long and a few hundred feet wide. Yet up to 5000 pairs of Atlantic puffins, 1000 pairs of razorbills and 500 pairs of common murres congregate on the island during their […]

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Four Reasons to Visit Canada in 2017

November 17, 2016

1.  Canada is celebrating 150 years as a country in 2017. For their sesquicentennial, Canadians are already planning some of the biggest July 1 celebrations the country has ever seen. 2.  Lonely Planet just named Canada the #1 Country to Visit in 2017. “Bolstered by the wave of positivity unleashed by its energetic new leader […]

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Road Trip: Skagway, Alaska to Emerald Lake (Yukon Territory, Canada)

July 27, 2012

If you find yourself in Skagway, Alaska with a few hours to fill, consider renting a car in town (Avis has an office on 3rd Avenue) and driving into Canada. We left Skagway at 10 am and were back in town by 2 pm. The drive along the Klondike Highway is incredibly scenic. You’ll pass […]

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