New Suspension Bridge Enhances Guest Experience at El Remanso Lodge

December 1, 2014

El Remanso in the heart of the Osa Peninsula remains one of our favorite lodges in Costa Rica (as well as elsewhere). The lodge is situated in a rainforest reserve and wildlife viewing opportunities in the Osa are top-notch. El Remanso recently complete construction of a 2-section bridge that spans 100m over a canyon and connects to […]

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Birding Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula

August 21, 2013

Even though Costa Rica is a small country, its biodiversity is impressive. Only the size of the state of West Virginia, Costa Rica provides habitat for approximately 4% of the world’s species. More than 850 species of birds have been recorded there. That’s more than all of the birds recorded in the US and Canada […]

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5 Days in the Osa Peninsula, 5 Favorite Things

July 12, 2013

Day 1: Spending the morning with WIDECAST’s “In the Water” sea turtle project in Golfo Dulce. Day 2: Waterfall rappelling at El Remanso Lodge. Day 3: Having the beach all to ourselves. Day 4: Searching for monkeys and finding several troops just by walking along the road near El Remanso Lodge. Day 5: Learning about […]

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