Early last month, the US State Department updated its travel advisory for Mexico. This version is broader and more detailed than those in the past and it lists specific areas that should be avoided by travelers. Less than a week later, Mexico’s Tourism Board reported a record number of foreign visitors in 2011. More than 22 million foreign travelers arrived in Mexico by air in 2011, the highest number since the onset of tracking in 1980.

The State Department’s travel advisory even notes that “millions of U.S. citizens safely visit Mexico each year for study, tourism, and business, including more than 150,000 who cross the border every day.”The full advisory can be found at http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_5665.html?utm_source=March+2012&utm_campaign=February+2012+Newsletter&utm_medium=email.

When you hear the unfortunate news coming out of Mexico, it’s easy to think that all areas of the country are being affected by violence. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The vast majority of Mexico (some 95% of the country), including areas most visited by international tourists, are safer than US cities like New Orleans, New York City, and even Orlando, Florida.

For an interesting perspective on safety in Mexico, check out the Huffington Post article titled “How Not to Get Beheaded in Mexico“. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/douglas-anthony-cooper/canada-attack-resort_b_1232486.html?utm_source=March+2012&utm_campaign=February+2012+Newsletter&utm_medium=email

Mexico still ranks among our Top 3 Selling Destinations along with Peru and Costa Rica. If you’re thinking of a trip south of the border but aren’t sure what to expect or whether it’s safe to go, please feel free to contact us. We travel to Mexico regularly and we’re happy to discuss the most recent developments and all that’s on offer in the region.

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